RTO Mock Test 1

Test Your Knowledge (25 Questions)

Near a pedestrian crossing, when the pedestrians are waiting to cross the road, you should:

The following sign represents.

The driver of a motor vehicle shall drive through.

The following sign represents.

The following sign represents.

Vehicles proceeding from the opposite direction should be allowed to pass through.

The following sign represents.

The following sign represents.

How can you distinguish a transport vehicle?

The following sign represents.

The Validity of learner’s license is:

What does the following sign represent?

In a road without footpath, the pedestrians -

When a vehicle approaches an unguarded railway level crossing, before crossing it, the driver shall:

The following sign represents.

What does the following sign represent?

When a vehicle is involved in an accident causing injury to any person, you should:

The following sign represents.

Free passage should be given to the following types of vehicles.

The following sign represents.

The following sign represents.

On a road designated as one way, which one of the following is correct.

You can overtake a vehicle in front.

The driver of a vehicle may overtake.

You are approaching a narrow bridge; another vehicle is about to enter the bridge from opposite side. You should:

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